I am not ashamed, abashed or reluctant to state that I am 57 years old. I like my age and the alleged wisdom and maturity that is supposed to come with age. I can’t swear to this wisdom and maturity, but I do admit to being pleased with where I am with my life and loves.
This is the very long intro to posting an unknown etch (that I have long owned) while watching All in the Family.
For any youngsters who read this post, and have never seen nor heard of this show…you have missed something special.
This show’s long run dealt with every issue of our times – racism, ageism, homophobia, divorce, rape, abortion, feminism, draft dodging, war, politics, infidelity, relationships, marriage – using humor, incredulity, fine acting, wonderful, rich characters and realism.
I watch old tv. Maybe it’s a sign of age, but I find modern tv so ridiculous for the most part. I don’t get reality shows at all. Where is the ‘reality’?
Anyway I digress. I watched the show…Edith was fired for comforting a dying patient at the Sunshine Home….and I had tears in my eyes…while I was posting these photos.
Not much to say about the glasses. Unknown etch – I’ve had them for a long time. no idea of provenance. Not the greatest quality of glass, but nice nonetheless.
But check out All in the Family….