American Glass Associations

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I want to post sites that deal with vintage glass, not contemporary.  So…..if you have a particular interest in the glass from a specific company, or you are obsessed with a particular type of glass, it might be worth becoming a member, or at least checking out, one of these organizations.  They are all American and relate to American glass.

Heisey Collectors of America                             Fostoria Glass Society of America

National Cambridge Collectors, Inc.                    National Duncan Glass Society

National Imperial Glass Collectors’ Society           H.C. Fry Glass Society

National Westmoreland Glass Collectors Club        Tiffin Glass Collectors Club

Old Morgantown Glass Collectors’ Guild                 National American Glass Club

20-30-40 Glass Society of Illinois                       Indiana Glass Society

International Carnival Glass Association             National Depression Glass Association

National Milk Glass Collectors Society                 Carder Steuben Club

National Greentown Glass Association               Vaseline Glass Collectors, Inc.

Early American Pattern Glass Society                American Cut Glass Association

Anchor Hocking Glass Museum                         Stretch Glass Society

Phoenix & Consolidated Glass Collectors Club    National Fenton Glass Society

Goofus Glass Museum and Information Centre   Moon and Star Glass Club

Viking Art Glass                                                   Vaseline Glass Collectors, Inc.

Fenton Fanatics                                                  Libbey Glass History

American Cut Glass Association         Mount Washington and Pairpoint Glass Society

The Blenko Archive                             Rain of Glass

Heart of America Glass Collectors

Carnival Glass Showcase – the site has many links to Carnival Glass Clubs in the real world  as well as Carnival Glass Facebook sites.

Houze Glass Museum

1 thought on “American Glass Associations”

  1. you must have lots of time on your hands to do all of this

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