Glass Hand Vases Paperweight Collectors Association
The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors Aladdin Knights
Evergreen Beam Bottles & Specialties Club Fairy Lamp Club
National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors Open Salt Collectors
Antique Glass Salt & Sugar Shaker Club International Perfume Bottle Association
Promotional Glass Collectors Association Violin Bottle Collectors Association
National Toothpick Holder Collectors’ Society
National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors Glass Insulators Collectors
Antique Poison Bottle Collectors Association Glass Trinket Sets
Antique Wine Bottle and Black Glass Collectors Club TallCakes’ Glass
National Reamer Collectors Association Open Salt Collectors
International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society Glassian
Historic Glasshouse: Antique Bottles and Glass Hemingray Glass Insulator Database
Historic Bottle Website The Big Ashtray Museum
Juicer Collector Peter Christiansen’s Glass Flower Frogs
Hi – I am hoping you can help me figure out what I have. I inherited a crystal etched, what I am calling a covered candy dish with a deer, blue heron and school house in the etching. It has a bit of a twist in that the handle is red and wooden. It is a lovely piece and I have searched for the past 3 years off and on and can not find anything like it.
If you have any information I would appreciate knowing who the maker is, there are no markings on it.