I picked up this relish some time ago – Line#1401-Empress.

Still love these pieces. Here is a better photo of the etch on the stem.
October 31, 2014
I actually had nine of these stems – long story. I now have eight again. I believe in using my glasses. I set our Thanksgiving table with my Belle le Rose pieces. Unfortunately I knocked one over and it broke. Discouraging as you can’t run down to Walmart to replace it. But….the table looked gorgeous!
I hope I am more careful at Christmas!!!!!
Original Post of April 9, 2013
I have been waiting for these goblets for ages. I have looked at these online on and off for months, if not years. Finally, either the price was right or I just felt rich! They do not disappoint.
When I was at the Heisey Museum last summer I saw a piece of Belle-Le-Rose. I commented that they didn’t have many pieces. The attendant told me that the pieces are difficult to locate (I didn’t ask why, should have!).
I now have 8 water goblets and the two lite candle holder. I am thinking that I will keep these pieces for personal use and not try to sell them.
The stem is #5009 – Queen Ann and the etch is #501, Belle-Le-Rose. It was introduced in 1938 and discontinued in 1942.
Gorgeous x 10!