The photo blue items of the pretty in the book Delphite & Jadite: a pocket guide by Joe Keller & David Ross continue to peak my interest. I am on the lookout for the ‘one’ delphite piece that I would like to buy and keep.
Although I have mentioned this book previously it is worth repeating the authors’ information. They say:
“First introduced by the McKee Glass Co. in the late 1920s…..Several distinct colors exist. Products by McKee and Jeannette do not match in color….McKee produc[ed] both delphite and chaline. Chaline is the lighter more vibrant color……Anchor Hocking produced two distinct colors, Turquoise Blue and Azurite. Azurite is an extremely pale blue that appears almost white. Turquoise Blue is a richer more vibrant blue.”
The photos in the book clearly illustrate the range of shades. The little ‘Charm’ set is definitely Azurite as it is very light, although the lighting in my kitchen makes this appear a wee darker than the actual opaque shade of blue. I have reposted this devilled egg tray which, if I recollect, was darker in tint and represents Anchor Hocking’s Turquoise Blue.