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My guy and I fell in love with Boston and Cape Cod.  We have spent the last three summer vacations driving to, and around this area.  After the second trip, we said….”No more!!!  We’ve been there, seen it, done it, etc.”  However…we hadn’t been to a Bosox game or seen the 4th of July festivities.  So…..last year we saw the Jays play at Fenway and we caught the fireworks.  (This year we are off to Tennessee).  Anyway…we visited alot of antique shops en route to and from.  One year I came across this bowl.  It was on sale, reduced and reduced again.  I had to buy it.

I have to admit that I’m not all that fussy on this pattern.  I have no need to buy any other pieces in this etch.  But….always nice to see it in the flesh.  Keeps me from buying any other items!  Tee hee.