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Indiana Glass Loganberry BowlI don’t know which one I had first, the Carnival piece I think.  Then along came the green one, and then, last weekend, the clear.  These bowls were made in the 1980s.  I hope it is easy to tell that one is clear, one is green and one is amber/Carnival.  I’ve only showed the close-up of the Carnival piece.

Indiana made older pieces back in the 1920s but the colours were a light pink and a light green (not together).  I’ve never seen the older pieces.

The bowls are bon bons.  Folks sure made fancy dishes for candy!  But they are large enough to use as cereal/soup bowls or even for serving.Indiana Glass Loganberry Bowl (3)

They are attractive.  I hope the details of the fruit and leaves are distinguishable.  The berries serve as feet for the bowls.