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I bought this piece along with a few others at the Twindmill Markets in Colborne.  The vendor had set up a nice table with quite a few pieces of amber, with a 30% off price and it definitely caught my eye.  The different shades of amber were also interesting to see.

I have had alot of help identifying the pieces.  I found this candlestick in The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Glass Candlesticks (p. 139) by Margaret and Doug Archer.  The only problem was that there were two that looked very much alike – one by Paden City (No. 117) and this one by Tiffin Glass (No. 76).

I turned to the experts at the Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum for some advice.  The opinion of two folks that responded was that the Paden City pieces are smaller than the Tiffin piece and that this was likely Tiffin.  This candlestick stands 9- 9 1/8 inches tall.  .

This is a great site from which to seek advice.  Lots of well-informed folks monitor and administer this website.

Subsequently I have seen online that these candlesticks were part of a set with a console bowl.

Paden City also made this piece in amber, but with gold trim