Ever since I bought my 2nd book on Cornflower, by Walt Lemiski, I’ve paid more attention to the pieces that I see. I like to look them up in my books when I come home to see if I can find the blanks that the piece was cut on.
I recently picked up two pieces that were unknown to me and thought I’d try to ID them. This goblet is very beautiful (the photo doesn’t do it justice). It has a gorgeous bowl and a different, twisted stem. I’ve not seen this piece before. I could not find a match for it so I posted it on the Everyday and Elegant Glass Forum.
I was fortunate to have Mr. Lemiski comment on the piece. He indicated that he suspects that the goblet may be a post 1960 piece, European in origin — perhaps Czech or Hungarian. In fact he thinks that there may be doubt whether the first it is in fact a Hughes Cornflower item.
If this is the case I may never see a matching piece. Too bad, as it would make a very pretty set.