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Art Vase (2)

Update from the original June 9, 2013 post…..

I came across this article ‘Jack in the Pulpit Glass Vases‘ by David M. Issitt.  He describes, with beautiful photos, the history of these vases with shapes to imitate the Jack in the Pulpit flower.

The pattern is an old one and many well known glass companies have made vases in this shape.

This vase certainly resembles the flower and some of the examples shown.  Still don’t know who made it, but I like knowing that it is a ‘floral’ (well kind of) piece.


This isn’t a vintage piece.  In fact it is not a piece that I would likely choose for myself.  My guy bought it at an auction.  When I saw it I secretly thought that it would end up at the local thrift shop!Art Vase

However…..it has been sitting on my window sill in my kitchen.  It is bright and cheerful and I like the colours.  I look at it everyday when I wash dishes.

I will likely keep, for awhile anyway.  It’s always hard to part with a gift, isn’t it?