I posted this item on the Everyday Elegant Glass Forum. Someone said that it could be Pairpoint, from the later – 1950s – production line. While I was poking about the ‘net I came across this website – Pairpoint Glass Knowledge Centre. Very interesting. The site offered the option to have your pieces identified for $5.00. I leapt at the chance and was grateful for the response. I will post another update to a piece that I also asked about. Here’s what was said about this pitcher….
My contributions to my blog have slowed. There is only so much glass that one person can keep acquiring! I am trying hard to slow down on my pace of purchases, although I did order something online recently and am chatting about some other pieces.
Picked this pitcher up yesterday. We were downtown for the Santa Claus Parade and I wandered into HSD Antiques. I am always so happy that we have such great local businesses in our community and I like to support them.
I noticed this pretty pitcher with the uppercase “P” on the base. I wondered if this was a Pairpoint signature. It wa obviously a quality piece of glass. So I picked it up.
Sure enough I read online that Pairpoint has signed pieces this way, usually at the request of a customer. I’ve also read that there are some Pairpoint counterfeits as well. In any case I haven’t been able to identify it yet. But I read up on Pairpoint (New Bedford, Massachusetts) and that was interesting. I’m adding a link to the Mount Washington and Pairpoint Glass Society on my page with American Associations.
If you check ebay there are some beautiful Pairpoint pieces. Beautiful art glass.
I’ve posted this online looking for some assistance. Hopefully someone will be willing to share their knowledge.