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002Some months ago I didn’t own one of these center handle pieces.  Now I have four!  They take up an inordinate amount of space.  You can’t really stack anything on them, you can’t stack them on top of each other and they are not easy to pack away!

Whine, whine whine.  After all I can control my urge to purchase….or can I?  Obviously not.

This particular piece is a vaseline glass server made in the 1930s by the Hocking Glass Company.  This is an interesting article – Hocking’s Ring Pattern by Rosemary Trietsch – if you are interested in learning about the history of this pattern.

If you are interested in the history of the Hocking Glass Company and how it became the Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation, see this article at the Anchor Hocking Glass Museum website.

I bought my handy dandy flashlight to illuminate the uranium.  Works, gives the tray a nice glow to show.004