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013I bought this single candle holder some time ago and had it mistakenly sent to my daughter in British Columbia ( along way from my  home).  I was recently visiting her and brought it back with me.

It is Cambridge’s line #3500/74  four inch candlestick in the pretty Crown Tuscan pink.014

And…obviously the rams head collection continues.


Original post – September 18, 2014

Cambridge Rosepoint candles with Ram (5)I’m forever looking for the ‘collection-in-the-making’.  The ‘something’ that I want to focus on.  I have to admit the Cambridge Ram’s head items DO appeal to me.

I saw this set online.  This beautiful pair of Ram’s Heads candle holders (line #3500), etched with the Rosepoint pattern, were produced by the Cambridge Glass Company, of Cambridge, Ohio, from 1934-1958.

The ram’s heads are detailed, and oh so interesting! They are tucked beneath the lip of the candle cup. Cambridge Rosepoint candles with Ram (2)The rim of the base is edged with ‘beading’.  The heads are pretty teensy.  Hidden so that they are a treat when you notice them.

I regret selling my Vallerysthal vase with the rams.