It seems appropriate to highlight this devilled egg tray over the weekend where eggs, albeit chocolate, are on the minds of lots of little ones. I have a couple of these trays – one in peach lustre and this one in the delphite – and I have often marveled at the concept of a separate tray for eggs! Although I must admit that it looks nice on the table with eggs on it!
I bought the book – Delphite & Jadite by Joe Keller & David Ross and learned a few interesting things:
- That the opaque pieces of delphite/delfite/chaline are more expensive to collect, and harder to find than jadite, which I thought was expensive enough!
- Delphite was first introduced by McKee in the late 1920s.
- There are a number of distinct colours with chaline being a lighter, more vibrant shade of blue.
- Anchor Hocking’s pieces, produced under the Fire-King lines in the 1950s and 1960s were made in turquoise blue and azurite. Azurite is a very pale blue which looks almost white in tint.
This tray is obviously Anchor Hocking’s turquoise.
This is a great book with lots of illustrations. There are many pieces in both colours that I have never seen.
I love the fact that the bottom of the tray, although not seen when in use, has been so attractively fashioned.