Last Saturday we took a drive out to the Orono Antiques Street Festival. It was an absolutely gorgeous day to be out wandering. Lots of folks out shopping.
I only bought two items, and one of them was a piece of linen and the other was another centre handle server (not yet photographed).
I bought this server recently, although I can’t recall where I got it. I have been in and out of antique stores and thrift shops alot in the last couple of weeks. Likely at St. Jacobs Antiques Market as I know I had a box full last weekend.
In any event I have quite a number of these servers. I know that ‘folks in the know’ can often recognize the manufacturer by the shape of the handle. I am NOT one of those folk but I haven’t yet made any serious attempt to figure out an ID.
I don’t know why I pick up these servers as I rarely use them. But….this one has such a bright colour that you can’t help but look at it. Makes a table look cheery.