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When I saw this server I thought that it was pink.  I didn’t know who had made it and it was only when I was researching and reading about it that I discovered that it is an almond colour.  I put it beside a Cambridge piece in Tuscan pink to look at the difference.  While the difference was obvious, there still appear to be pink undertones in this piece.  According to Lorraine Kovar in Westmoreland Glass: 1950-1984, the colour Coraline, a tan opaque was developed in 1973.  In 1978 the same colour was called Coral.  In 1980 the name was changed to Almond. Ms. Kovar also makes reference to the pink cast of the colour in certain lighting.

This is line #1049 which also came in an octagonal shape and in other colours.

It is an interesting, heavy piece.  I like the details of the dolphin.