This is how The Encyclopedia of Glass (Mark Pickvet) defines flashing or flashed glass:
“A very thin applied exterior coating of a different color from the base color (thinner than a casing or an overlay). Flashing is usually completed by dropping a gather of hot glass of one color into a pot or crucible that contains a different color in such a manner as to cause only a thin layer to adhere.”
You can’t see the flashing in the photo, but it is a shiny orangey coating on top of the red.
When you buy flashed glass, you want to make sure that the coating isn’t scratched.
This piece has a “Made in Canada” sticker. It is not a piece of W.J. Hughes Cornflower. Hughes did not use flashing in production.
There was a glasscutter named R. G. Sherriff who had worked for Hughes, but left the company to start up his own business in Toronto. He cut a very similar pattern uner the guise of Crystalware. Hughes and Sherriff were in litigation over Hughes assertions that Sherriff had violated his rights.
Anyway…the long an short of it is that I have no idea if Sherriff cut this or not. Could be someone else’s. It’s pretty …so I picked it up in Cobourg a couple weeks ago.